Useful links and how to contact us

How to contact us

Hepatitis Specialist nurses

Karen Patterson: - 0778 888 3457

Orla McCormick: - 0771 250 6350

Network Co-ordinator

Annelies McCurley: - 028 961 55725

Take part in the world’s first hepatitis B and C stigma survey 

We’re looking for people with experience of hepatitis C and hepatitis B who are willing to take part in a survey about stigma.

If you are 18 years of age or older and living with hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C, or have ever had hepatitis C, then you can complete the survey here.

Viral Hepatitis E-Learning 

Hepatitis B information and support

Hepatitis C information and support


  • Positive Life - supports and promotes positive living for people with and affected by HIV in Northern Ireland.

Substance Misuse

Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol directories of services

Drugs and Alcohol App

ASCERT and Queens University Belfast have produced a mobile phone App which is downladable for free on itunes and the android app store. This app provides resources on the theory, practice and legislation related to drugs and alcohol. It also provides information on drugs and services available in Northern Ireland that address drug and alcohol issues.

For iphones click here

For android click here

SH:24 - Free Home STI/STD Testing kit

Free STI test kit, results in 7 days – test for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV.

Confidential testing, information and advice with NHS clinics. Regulated by the Care Quality Commission.

Order test kit

Sexual Health Northern Ireland

Sexual Health NI - aimed at young people and adults, offers information and advice on how to look after your sexual health.

GUM Sexual Health Clinics in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety