Hepatitis B vaccinations

There is a vaccine available to prevent hepatitis B infection. The Immunisation against Infectious Disease: The Green Book -DOH 2013, states that HBV immunisation is recommended for the following individuals and groups:- 

  • All IDUs as a high priority (including those who inject intermittently)
  • Those who are likely to “progress” to injecting, for example those who are currently smoking heroin and/or crack cocaine, and heavily
  • Dependent amphetamine users
  • Non-injecting drug users who are living with current injectors
  • Sexual partners of injecting users
  • Children of injectors
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Sex workers
  • Those who change sexual partner frequently
  • Close family contacts of a case or individuals with chronic HBV infection
  • Families adopting children from countries with high or intermediate HBV prevalence
  • Foster carers
  • Individuals receiving regular blood or blood products and their carers
  • Patients with chronic renal failure or chronic liver disease
  • Individuals in residential accommodation for those with learning difficulties
  • Travellers to areas of high or intermediate prevalence
  •  Individuals at occupational risk

Although there is no routine hepatitis B vaccination programme in the UK, there a number of services in Northern Ireland provide hepatitis B vaccination including prisons, GPs, Travel clinics, Substance Misuse Services and genito-urinary medicine clinics (GUMs).

Hepatitis B Vaccinations

Where to access the Hepatitis B Vaccine in Northern Ireland


Travel Clinics